Prompt: Use Words to Draw a Body Part
Not sure why I decided to draw an ear, that was one of the hardest things I have ever done. “Listen to me”

Prompt: Use Words to Draw a Body Part
Not sure why I decided to draw an ear, that was one of the hardest things I have ever done. “Listen to me”
Prompt: Chicken arms
I am very bad at drawing hands but once i started drawing I couldnt stop sooo here you go…two chickens getting married.
Prompt: How woke is your sandwich?
not my photo but one of my favorite sandwiches to get at a deli is a roast beef! I give it a 6 out of ten because I feel like it’s not as woke as it could be.
Prompt: The Anti-Word-Cloud
I was not able to get as cool of a list but here is the least used words in the first chapter of the book I am reading right now! This is Holly by Stephen King
Prompt: Me Then and Now Doing Technology
When I was a kid I would play the Nintendo wii non-stop and one of the games I had was the Beatles Wii Rock Band which was a wii game that came with a rock band set of drums, a bass, an electric guitar, and a microphone. The mechanics were much like Guitar Hero. I think that this was the start of my love for guitar which is something I pursued from middle school to college!
Prompt: Write an Emoji Poem
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I love your smell
I love your voice
I love your dancing
I love your heart
I love you
Prompt: Your Longest / Tallest Shadow Selfie
as a 4ft 11in person this is the tallest I’ve ever been!
Prompt: Make some bad art!
I spent a good amount of last night freaking out about after graduation. Looking for houses, worrying about student debt and taxes, and finally the job search. So I made a collage of the things I was looking at last night. Pretty bad if I do say so myself…
Prompt: Make some kind of art about unexpected coincidences
My contribution to todays daily create was more difficult than I expected it to be. It was my first post and I found myself freezing in what to create because I was scared to get the wrong answer. After some minutes I came to terms with the fact that there are no right answers so I decided to make a little cartoon that shows a coincidence that we know all to well.
That classic moment when you show up to a function wearing the same thing as your friend! Someone oughta change, and its not you.