Prompt: Thesaurus Fun
Limerick on “sleep”
Start to dream
Of a warm milk stream
Slumberland starts to appear
Where sandman is, unclear
The boogey man starts to scream

Prompt: Thesaurus Fun
Limerick on “sleep”
Start to dream
Of a warm milk stream
Slumberland starts to appear
Where sandman is, unclear
The boogey man starts to scream
Just because its spring break doesn’t mean I have to stop creating!
Prompt: Five things
fourteen hours of painting
ten hours of work
read 95 book pages total
slept at least five hours every night
Avoided social media about todays politics 🙂
Prompt: Twisting the Kaleidoscope
I found a kaleidoscope camera lens and took a photo of a plant from the place I work! I’m getting into the hobby of indoor plant care and I’m sooo excited about it
Prompt: One upon a time …
There was a girl who could manipulate water. She could move streams, lakes, and oceans. She used this power to water the crops in her village and give water to the animals. But one day her village was having a party. A big gathering to celebrate the sun and its warmth as the season changed. The girl knew exactly the thing the village needed. She took some water from the nearest lake and made a rainbow that stretched the entire length of the village so that the people not only celebrated the warmth of the sun but also of the beautiful light that the sun provides.
Prompt: Make a Gif using a scene from your favorite movie and then tell us why this movie is your favorite!
My favorite move is the original Little Mermaid! Ariel has always been my favorite disney princess and she still is! The live action is also amazing!!
Prompt: Your Safe Haven
My safe haven is in bed with a book, with my dogs, and with my lovely friends!
Prompt: 106 for …?
106 for the birds…they deserve it
Prompt: your latest musical discovery
My newest obsession is the band Boys Go To Jupiter, courtesy of @rylie7teal im in love with all of their songs even if there is just 6 of them so far. Check out their newest song Virginia!
Prompt: Strange Mini-Golf
The sand in a full sized golf course is never good. So why not do this mini golf course on sand entirely!
Prompt: Use Words to Draw a Body Part
Not sure why I decided to draw an ear, that was one of the hardest things I have ever done. “Listen to me”